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Trivia Tuesday: Edition 5

1. Question: Which bird is often associated with delivering babies?

Answer: The stork.

Flying Stork
Stork in Flight: Sans Baby

2. Question: What is the fastest fish in the ocean?

Answer: The sailfish, reaching speeds up to 68 mph (110 km/h).

The sailfish is the fastest swimmer

3. Question: What colour is the blood of an octopus?

Answer: Blue, due to the copper-based hemocyanin.

A true Blue Blood

4. Question: What is the main ingredient in guacamole?

Answer: Avocado.

Bowl of Avocados

5. Question: What is the chemical formula for water?

Answer: H2O.

Bubble water
H2O = Water

6. Question: Who was the first President of the United States?

Answer: George Washington.

The Capitol Building

7. Question: What country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?

Answer: Japan.

Japanese Garden

8. Question: What is the largest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Jupiter.

Jupiter is the largest planet

9. Question: Which insect can lift 50 times its body weight?

Answer: The ant.

The ultra-stong ant

10. Question: In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?

Answer: 1776.

July 4
Independence Day

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